Monday, 18 May 2015


By Abena The Village Girl



Nothing entails to loving

Non existence entails to persistence

The divine you seek not to find?

Yet the sublime you think you can define


Nothing is the freedom underpinning

It is language made material by human beings

It is an oasis in the dry humidity

It is the ignorance that gives rise to the bliss


The nothing supersedes something

It is a realm which we cannot just delve in

It is the unknown among scholars and intellectuals

It is we beyond our potentials


Nothing stands alone without two feet

Everything tries to capture it but it is too fluid

It is much greater than the sum and the every

It denotes the very thing it is defending


We make war because we cant comprehend

We put you down because our pride thinks it can fend

They just take but attach conditions to lend

The truth is a lie which they amend and amend


Why then,


Do the voices sound fellow yet have no language?

Why do the elders speak, yet the world hears silence?

Why does the forest dance, folktale rythms?

Why does a wise man think, but don’t say nothing.