Monday, 18 May 2015

Nature of Self

By Abena The Village Girl

Nature of Self

Sounds boring, if your touring but if u know self, then u know flesh is just da coverage, inside yourself there is a temple, inside your head, there is a pyramid, inside your mind a natural instinct, lets work together to discover, its just the idea, that makes you run for cover. 
As a creative writer many of my works expand on this however it is my concept of nothingness i.e. 'The Philosophy of Nothing' which really puts self within a framework. Fascinating is that nothing, is what self has been deemed to in reality. It is not something that one can define and in this day and age it is rarely promoted. External ideas are always being pushed forth as that which can make one feel whole again.  But can you let go of all these things and still feel worthy? That is where I believe 'the strong survive' fit in. As complex an issue this may seem it begins through material detachments, which is hard enough for many, but when one then only has ones self to face and answer, it is there where the building of a strong yet flexible balanced individual comes into play. And it is this that one may spend the whole of their life working on, the true refreshing and restoration of self. It is not easy, but then life itself is not easier and it is more self-fulfilling to work on yourself than keeping up with the latest devices and pleasing others. You were born naked and unless you really believe that these things are of benefit to you when you die, how can one reject knowing oneself?
The conception I have of self, involves you, your family lineage, ancestors from the past and nature in general, there is a spiritual element from the trees, animals, water, the air we breathe as these all engage in the same earthly properties as we use to survive and these things have all stood the test of time. Therefore I give 'nothing' to it as they are taken for granted as nothing is, but we still understand that nothing exists as if not there would be no such word to define it.  
In the first line of my 'Nothing' poem I state 'Nothing is the freedom underpinning'. This is because together with self I deem it to be the spiritual air which gives rise to the physical. This is anything from the way we interact, our general moods to the creation of buildings, landscapes, architecture, the visual display of art, the hearing of music and so on.  I see the world as a circle of 'everything' which includes 'somethings' and 'nothing' as the spiritual air outside and within it. Yet the amazing thing is 'nothing' has its own realm. A realm which nature-beings lived primarily on and with as the nature itself incorporates it and it is through this that amazing works were produced, as such everything was not inside a vacuum but rather a constant movement.
This is just a summary once again as a more in-depth article explaining 'The Philosophy of Nothing' will be produced. Yet anything which we experience factually in real life such as emotions, dream, thoughts, ideas, inspirations etc all belong to this realm. I studied a year for a Masters in Philosophy and I can say that the study of logic also indicates 'everything' to be within a box of some kind with a matrice assigned to all things- everything and somethings by use of an existential quantifier. Not to get to technical but throughout my lifetime of studies I have seen the idea of spirituality and 'nothingness' has always been excluded. It can be argued that the idea is highly controversial and since it is relative no facts can be assigned to it. But how can one study Philosophy at all then since it is this 'nothingness' that even allows for an idea or subject such as Philosophy and philosophy is supposed to study the nature of being, knowledge, reality etc. I have therefore brought about my own theory of 'nothingness' which I think cannot be ignored in this matter of self.
Lastly, nothing must exist, although it implies it doesn't exist, to prove that something doesn't exist you must first prove its existence and nothing cancels out nothing showing itself to be really 'no' thing. 


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